Days before Christmas: Movie lines, funny scenes and bad eggnog

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Movies! Movies! Movies! What’s your favorite Christmas movie. What’s your favorite line from a Christmas movie? If you’re like my family and I, Christmas movies begin airing in our house the day after Thanksgiving. So many memories and laughs – I’d thought I’d share with all of you some of my favorites:

You’ve probably watched Christmas Vacation 100’s of times… okay maybe not YOU but I sure have. This line is funny every time I watch it.

Hey! Where are you gonna put a tree that big?

We all love the Charlie Brown Christmas special. One of the best soundtracks too. Here’s a classic scene:

Can anyone tell me what Christmas is all about?

Best scene from Christmas Vacation… the flip out. Advance yourself to 3:15, turn up the speakers and laugh along with me:

Yeah I know this next one isn’t from a movie. It’s my blog and I can break the rules whenever I want. First time I saw this video clip from a few years ago I laughed so hard I almost vomited. Then I watched it 6 more times. A classic you have to listen to year after year.

Cut a hole in the box: (Some bad words here)

This scene from Christmas Story is ridiculous. The Chinese restaurant scene… Fa ra ra. Hilarious.

Deck the hall with bell of horey

Got some laughs? Good. Ho, ho, ho.

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