The key to happiness is doing this one thing…

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I was laying in the dentist’s chair listening to the sucking sounds, desperate to get the nasty taste and this nice lady’s hand, out of my mouth. She was using metal utensils and talking to me about her son, who was starting college in the fall.

“He’s not 100% sure what he wants to do yet.” she said.

She pulled the last metal pick looking thing out of my mouth and I turned toward her son, who was filling in as a dental assistant.

“It’s so important that you find that one thing and do it.” SPIT “The key to life is doing what you love.” I said.

Strange to be giving advice while getting your teeth cleaned I guess but I couldn’t help myself. I wish someone had given me that advice back in 1992. Heck, even that advice while I suffered through my 20’s would’ve been pretty darn helpful. Low paying jobs, long hours, and the feeling that I wasn’t doing what I should’ve been. The problem? I didn’t know what the should’ve been should’ve been.
Happiness is

You might think it does but “money doesn’t buy happiness”.

That’s a pretty famous quote and I believe it to be true. You see once you make enough money to satisfy your basic needs (food, shelter, clothing) the disposable income you have left doesn’t mean you’ll find that happy harmony. To be blunt, financial success doesn’t guarantee you squat… some nice cars, several iPads, lots of cookware, maybe a giant home and some timeshares but that’s the superficial stuff. Happiness is based on the simple things we foster in our lives, healthy relationships with people, keeping your stress levels in check, and maintaining a healthy energy level.

“Now wait!” You’ll say to me. The title of this post is doing this ONE thing. Not 4. True. I believe that if you do that ONE thing that drives you, that ignites your passions, that makes you get up in the morning, then it’s possible to have the other 3. See?

Curly from City Slickers, of course, said it best. Do that one thing that you love. Maybe it’s writing a book, maybe it’s singing songs, dancing, playing hopscotch, or sewing. No one can tell you what it is, only you can figure that out. Do that one thing, build healthy sustainable relationships and keep your stress level in check. Sound easy? Yeah right. But it sure is worth fighting for. The world smells better, people look better, your kids are a lot smarter, life is more satisfying and your car drives nicer. So go on and find that ONE thing and be happy.

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