The one thing about your residents you probably forgot today

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It was in the way she held her 4 year old son tightly against her chest, a crack of hallway light drifting into his dark bedroom. He was sobbing softly. She could feel his warm body through his Cars footy pajamas.

“Honey, you are burning up. Let your mommy take your temperature.”

It was in the way three generations of men lounged on the couch with the television blaring the football game. The moms and wives were sitting around the table in the other room talking and laughing and sharing. The fragrance from their open bottle of wine was filling their noses.

It was in the way the newlyweds poured over their parsimonious bank statements in the dining room, his brow furrowed and her hand lightly grasping her belly. Two little red lines told the story of their future.

It was in the way a group of young kids from different parts of the country were forced to live together and form a bond which would last for the rest of their lives.

It was in the way a new couple fumbled for each other in the dark hallway and found love.

These are a pair of non-nondescript white heeled shoes. You'd forget about them next year for sure.
These are a pair of non-nondescript white heeled shoes. You’d forget about them next year for sure.
When the computers go silent and the community manager closes the leasing doors, they go to their home to make their own memories. The most touching thing about multifamily is that we don’t “sell” a product that people throw away. We aren’t a bottle of Coke, or a t-shirt, or a pair of white high-heeled shoes. Shoes fade. Heels break. T-shirts get moth eaten. The Coke goes flat. Years from now, I’d be willing to bet that we will have forgotten all about the Coke or the shoes or the T-shirt.

People will remember what they did when they lived here. Everyday as marketers, and IT, and operations, and administrators, and maintenance, and construction, we try to find new or old ways to rent, fix, build, sell, and manage. New residents eventually just become maintenance tickets, rent payments, cranky calls, punchlines. What we provide to our residents is in the way they live. Live. Their lives. Everyday. Building memories. Playing with their kids. Family time. Loving. They are doing it – in ours.

It is in the way they live in our apartments that you probably forgot about today.

P.S. I asked my wife to marry me in an apartment. There’s no way I could ever forget that.

Happy renting everyone.

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