What being middle aged really means…

Posted by - Mar 21, 2014

“Middle aged is when you’re faced with two temptations and you choose the one that will get you home by 9 o’clock.” – Ronald Regan The gross realization that I am a man who has reached mid-life happened suddenly. I was taking my dog for a walk one evening last summer and as is the

If you remember THIS, you’ll probably rent more apartments

Posted by - Mar 17, 2014

There is no such thing as love at first sight. Certainly there are those butterflies that get your stomach queasy and make you think irrationally. Just five more minutes on the phone, you tell yourself, I want to share just one more thing with this person who fascinates me in ways I cannot explain to

Raising kids is like this…

Posted by - Mar 16, 2014

As I’ve told my wife, raising children isn’t necessarily hard work but a lot of repetitive work and constant reminders. Brush your teeth. Stop hitting your sister. Leave that alone. Get your hands out of your pants. No, you shouldn’t put ranch dressing on your fingers and eat it. One day last fall, while walking

The one thing about your residents you probably forgot today

Posted by - Mar 4, 2014

It was in the way she held her 4 year old son tightly against her chest, a crack of hallway light drifting into his dark bedroom. He was sobbing softly. She could feel his warm body through his Cars footy pajamas. “Honey, you are burning up. Let your mommy take your temperature.” It was in

The Craigslist Changes Fallout Part Deux: Moving past Craigslist

Posted by - Feb 10, 2014

It’s been months now since Craigslist decided to give their user base a better search, user and mobile experience. Since my last article about the changes to Craigslist and the debate about posting tools, another major change was released. I think this latest change can put the debate to rest. If you watched the Webinar

Is there a limit to giving great customer service?

Posted by - Feb 4, 2014

Think of a company who gives great customer service and you probably immediately think of Zappos. The famous, insane and often heroic customer service stories are the things of legend. The 10 hour customer service call, how they refused to accept the wrong pair of shoes (donate them to charity they said) and sent the

To Live…

Posted by - Jan 17, 2014

It was when I was in the 6th grade that I first realized the true finality of death. It was a watershed moment. I imagine you’ve had one of those moments too. You’ve been running the marathon that is life, and something triggers you to jump out of the race and pause; maybe grab a