The Craigslist Changes Fallout Part Deux: Moving past Craigslist

Posted by - Feb 10, 2014

It’s been months now since Craigslist decided to give their user base a better search, user and mobile experience. Since my last article about the changes to Craigslist and the debate about posting tools, another major change was released. I think this latest change can put the debate to rest. If you watched the Webinar

The Craigslist Changes Fallout: Have posting tools become irrelevant?

Posted by - Nov 8, 2013

At the end of September, we joked internally about the changes coming to Craigslist. We didn’t actually know what they were going to be, only that they were coming. October is the Craigslist month of doom. Last year it was the Great Ghosting Ruckus that caused leads to vanish into a black hole of ads.