Holy Kaw BSitko.com is on Alltop!

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Celebrate the good times
Alltop? Stop your lying!!!!
Over a month ago I submitted this blog to Alltop for review. You’ve heard of them right? Here’s a quick definition from their site for those that don’t:

“You can think of Alltop as the “online magazine rack” of the web. …Ultimately, our goal is to enhance your online reading by displaying stories from sources that you’re already visiting plus helping you discover sources that you didn’t know existed.”

I figured that over the course of the past 8 months I’ve said some pretty good things. Maybe they’d accept my submission and maybe they wouldn’t. Imagine my surprise when I got this email last night. I wanted to share a small portion of it here:

“Thank you for submitting your blog or website for inclusion in Alltop. We’ve added the feed to the Social Media topic:

Topic: http://social-media.alltop.com/
Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Bsitko

Your site should appear on Alltop within 24 hours of this email being sent.
To find your site within the topic, use your browser’s Find feature.
If you have not updated your site in the past 28 days, the site will not appear until you update your site.”

Holy smokes. Back in January when I created this blog, I just wanted to say stuff, express my opinions on things and see what happened. Getting my blog accepted to Alltop certainly is a step in the right direction towards something bigger perhaps? It also means what I’m saying on here is making sense to some of you and for the most part isn’t crap. From this day forward, I’ll continue to write things about social media and whatever else comes to mind that I’m hoping you want to read, and I won’t write crap. That’s my pledge to you.

For those just checking this site out for the first time, look around, stay a while, read some of my ramblings and let me know what you think. I’m sure glad you’re here.

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