The Truth

How fake is your online persona?

Posted by - Oct 12, 2011

“If we were all given by magic the power to read each other’s thoughts, I suppose the first effect would be to dissolve all friendships. ~Bertrand Russell We are all pathological liars. The average number of lies they say you’ll tell today is 4-7. Hard to get an indication of how reliable that data range

Why the new Facebook insights might make you rethink your Facebook strategy

Posted by - Oct 7, 2011

There goes Facebook changing things again. Due to these recent changes, the big question businesses have been asking over the past few weeks is “What’s in it for us?” or more specifically – “How will all of these changes affect our pages?” We’re beginning to figure that out as Facebook today has rolled out their

Got files? Why NOW is a good time to rethink your backup strategy.

Posted by - Oct 5, 2011

Mondays get their reputations for a ton of reasons. I headed back to my office on a particularly difficult Monday and noticed instead of the normal Windows 7 desktop, my screen was black with some white text. The text, it turned out, announced something bad: Disk boot failure? When I left my office I had

Today’s Question: The new Facebook… Innovation or Annoyance?

Posted by - Sep 23, 2011

“For the first time ever in a single day we had 500M people use Facebook.” – Mark Zuckerberg Back in July the rage was Google Plus. Lots of us couldn’t get enough of it. Great engagement, interesting platform with high expectations, and the Google name. It was a social network that was going places. In

Why the Facebook news feed changes are easy to hate but why you shouldn’t

Posted by - Sep 21, 2011

“Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.” ~Arnold Bennett After logging into Facebook this morning, I realized that the world as we know it is going to collapse in on itself. Facebook changing something fundamental like how you view your news feeds? Blasphemy! In case you hadn’t

Today’s Question: How are you rewarding customer loyalty?

Posted by - Sep 15, 2011

Chipotle is my Friday ritual. Ask anyone who follows me on Facebook and Twitter and they’ll be able to tell you about the Friday check-ins. I’m not sure what it is about the place. Sure it’s delicious, its health values are questionable, wait times are fairly quick, the burritos are heavy, and their hot sauce

“Those towers sure were beautiful”… 9/11 10 years later.

Posted by - Sep 11, 2011

At first I thought it was a joke. In hindsight, I don’t know why thinking a plane crashing into one of the towers could be funny but I wasn’t sure what else to make of it. Why would a plane hit one of the World Trade Center towers? There was no other explanation at the follow up: 10 tips for managing your ratings.

Posted by - Sep 6, 2011

Write an article about ApartmentRatings and the conversation will get heated in no time. People are passionately for or against responding. For this follow up post I wanted to dig deep and see how other companies are handling their ApartmentRatings. I gained lots of insights but the one thing I found myself doing more than